Chess Puzzle of the week (20)

The excellent magazine New In Chess features a regular column called MAXIMise Your Tactics, compiled by Maxim Notkin, who sounds like a Beatrix Potter character. Readers are invited to solve nine tactical puzzles taken from recent events.

This week’s puzzle is taken from the latest issue. It’s White to play in Kovchan-Korobov, Kiev 2018. Go for it!


Last week I left you with this helpmate in 4 moves composed by John Rice.


The solution (with Black moving first): 1. Kd1 Rf2 2. Re2 Rxg2 3. Bd2 Rf2 4. Ke1 Rf1. The black pieces swap squares while the white rook takes four short steps to eliminate the g2 pawn and return to where it started.


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